Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We Have Lift Off!

This is my first year gardening. I'm doing a combination of container and conventional gardening, trying to figure out what works best for our space, and what I can handle. My conventional garden is not ready yet, and hot weather is approaching, so I used my containers to get a head start on the season. I planted leaf lettuce and onions. Leaf lettuce is between 2 and 3 dollars per pound at the local grocery store. I got my lettuce seeds for 30 cents per packet. The math is pretty irresistible.

I'm experimenting with both self-watering and regular planters. I was worried the self-watering planters might be a gimmick, but I'm impressed with the results. The planter on the right is self-watering and the planter on the right is not. This is the lettuce. For the onions, I see almost no difference in performance between the two kinds of planters.

What kind of gardening adventures are you having today?

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